January 31, 2025
Deadline for abstracts submission
February 14, 2025
Notification of abstracts acceptance and allocation (oral or poster)
February 25, 2025
Early Bird Registration Deadline
February 26, 2025
Standard Registration Opens
March 26, 2025
Standard Registration Deadline
March 27-29, 2025
Conference dates
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Ole Mouritsen
Ole G. Mouritsen PhD DSc FRS-DK is a physicist and professor emeritus of gastrophysics and culinary food innovation at the University of Copenhagen. He is an elected fellow of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, president of the Danish Gastronomical Academy, and appointed Japanese food ambassador. He is the author of several scientific books and about 500 scientific papers and reports, in addition to being recipient of a number of prestigious science and science communication prizes. He is generally interested in the science behind food, taste, and cooking and has written books about fats, sushi, seaweeds, umami, mouthfeel, cephalopods, vegetables, roe, the green transition, and Japanese condiments.
Ole G. Mouritsen
Martin Lind
Martin Lind is a Swedish theologian, born 1944, PhD 1975 in Systematic Theology at the University of Lund, Assistant Professor at the Lund University since 1976. Professor of Theology in Tamilnadu
Theological Seminary, India, 1978-1981. Bishop Church of Sweden 1995-2011, Bishop Lutheran
Church in Great Britain 2014-2019. Member of the Academy of Gastronomy in Sweden since 1997. General Secretary of L’Académie Internationale de Gastronomie (A.I.G.).
Martin Lind
Rafael Moreno Rojas
University Professor of the Food Science and Nutrition Area of the University of Córdoba.
Director of the Chair of Mediterranean Gastronomy.
Director of the Master’s Degree in Advances in Gastronomic Science at the University of Cordoba.
Member of the Royal Academy of Gastronomy and secretary of the Academy of Gastronomy of Cordoba. Corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Veterinary Sciences of Eastern Andalusia and the Royal Sevillian Academy of Veterinary Sciences.
Nearly 200 scientific articles published, more than 60 books or book chapters and 24 doctoral theses directed.
More information:
Rafael Moreno
Silvia Gaiani
Silvia Gaiani is a Senior Researcher at Ruralia Institute, University of Helsinki where she is currently leading a 5 year research on Innovations and entrepreneurship towards a sustainable transition of the food system. She is leading a number of international and national projects related to Nordic food systems and food entrepreneurship.
She is also teaching a course on Food Entrepreneurship, sustainability and innovation in Africa and Finland in the framework of UNIPID, the Finnish University Partnership for International Development.
She is the co-organizer of Food Days, a yearly event which aims to raise awareness on food innovations in FInland and at supporting the Finnish and Nordic entrepreneurial culture.
She is a member of Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), of the Sustainable Change Research Network (SUCH) and of the Finland China Food and Health Network.
She is part of UNA EUROPA Sustainability Committee, representing University of Helsinki at EU level.
Before joining Ruralia Institute, Silvia has worked for FAO, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations at its headquarters in Rome, Italy and WMO, the World Meteorological Organization of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, mostly conducting research on food loss and waste.
Silvia Gaiani
Tommy Nylander
Prof. Nylander completed his PhD in Biophysical Technology at Food Technology, Lund University with Prof. Kåre Larsson in 1987. In 1990 he did a postdoc at Applied Mathematics, ANU, Australia with Prof. Barry Ninham. He was promoted to full professor in Physical Chemistry, Lund University 2007. He is a member of the Scanian Gastronomic Academy, fellow at Lund Advanced Institute of Neutron and X-ray Science LINXS, and since 2023 he serves as president of the European Colloid and Interface Society.
The main theme of Prof. Nylander scientific activity has been to relate interfacial behaviour of surface-active molecule to their solution behaviour. The focus has been on molecules of biological origin, e.g. proteins and lipids, and the self-assembled structures they form in bulk and at interfaces with relevance for fundamental food structure. His research aims to reveal the relationship between structure and function of food as promotor of health and well-being. In his research, he uses a range of advanced techniques based on light, x-ray and neutron scattering. He has published nearly 300 scientific articles and book chapters with many academic as well as many industrial collaborators and is the recipient of several awards including Norblad-Ekstrand-medal from Swedish Chemical Society and 2023 Lectureship award (LA) of the Japanese Chemical Society, Colloid and Interface division.
Tommy Nylander
Helena Martin
Helena Martín is Director of the culinary arts and gastronomy research at Barcelona School of Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy (CETT-UB). She is lecturer at the bachelor’s degree in culinary and gastronomic sciences at CETT-UB. She holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Barcelona. She has developed projects in the field of the valorization of food waste, collaborating with companies and institutions in the sector. She is the author of several scientific publications and has participated in several projects at a national and international level. The research group focuses on the upcycling food waste and by-products into delicious products. The main goal is not only to reduce waste but also to contribute to a more sustainable gastronomy. Another research line is dedicated to enhancing patient well-being through the therapeutic potential of gastronomy, leveraging her scientific expertise to explore the intersection of food and health.
Helena Martín
Lin Wenhai
Vice President of CP Group of Thailand
Member of the Most Admirable Order of King of Thailand
Grand Prix De la Culture Gastronomique de l`AIG
Director of China Overseas Chinese Public Welfare Foundation
Chairman of Pujiang College of Nanjing University of Technology
President of Chaozhou Yanfeng Academy and employed as Xi’an Jiaotong University, Sun Yat-sen University, Shanghai University, Jinan University, Shantou University as guest professors.
Former global investment consultant of Guangdong Provincial Government
Mr Li Wenhai was enthusiastic about cultural undertakings, and build Chaozhou Yanfeng Academy on the Yanfeng mountain. After 30 years of unremitting efforts, Yanfeng Academy has gathered education, exhibitions, literature, art and tea ceremony, and has become a national 4A level tourist attraction, one of the new eight scenic spots in Chaozhou, the international cultural exchange site of Overseas Chinese in China
Mr Li Wenhai actively promotes cultural of Chanshan City, and edits published academic achievements as “Drinking and Eating Virtue”
Li Wenhai
María Jose Beriain Apesteguía
Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD).Professor of Nutrition and Food Science at the Public University of Navarre. She has taught various subjects in the field of food science and technology.Its research has been funded by more than 65 projects at regional, national and European level with public funding and also by industries with which it works closely to improve product quality. He has published about a hundred scientific and technical publications, book chapters and over a hundred papers at national and international congresses. She has supervised 13 doctoral theses. She was Director of the Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI Navarra) for five years (1999-2004). She was the director of the Institute for Innovation and Sustainability in the Food Chain (IS-FOOD) at the Universidad Pública de Navarra (2016-2020). WoS Researcher ID: AAA-7466-2020; ORCID0000-0002-6662-6394;h-index:24.
María Jose Beriain Apesteguía
Emilio Martínez de la Victoria
Emeritus Full Professor of Physiology. University of Granada
MsSc Biology PhD in Physiology. University of Granada. Director of the Institute if Nutrition and Food Technology (INYTA). University of Granada. Former coordinator of the Master in Avanvances in Gastronomic Sciences. Member of the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Food Sciences. Member of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation. Member of the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition (SENC) and Spanish Society of Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (SENPE). Member of the Andalusian Academy of Gastronomy and Tourism. Prize “Gregorio Marañón” of the Spanish Royal Academy of Gastronomy (2015)
Research: Nutrition and health. Health aspects of the extra virgin olive oil. More than 200 articles in JCR journals and 40 books or book chapters. Coordinator in the University of Granada of the NoE EuroFIR and the Spanish Food Composition Database ( and experts in Nutrition assessments of populations. Adviser and member and President of the Research Committee of the Spanish Agency of Food Safety and Nutrition.
Emilio Martínez de la Victoria
Michael Brimm
Emeritus Professor of Organisational Behaviour at INSEAD. He has been active as a researcher and consultant in designing strategies for improving individual and organisational performance. In recent years, he focuses on leadership and organisational transformation in large multinational businesses. His current research extends from studies of organisational change to a project that focuses on leadership and innovation in achieving organisational excellence in outstanding French restaurants.
Professor Brimm has been a leader in the design of innovative processes to link organisational change with Leadership activities. Working with companies, as well as in consortium programmes at INSEAD and the University of Michigan, he has been active in the development of action learning and other new pedagogical methods. He has also received a number of awards for teaching excellence including INSEAD’s Dominique Heau Award for exceptional dedication to INSEAD’s educational mission: reflecting an enduring passion for program delivery, pedagogical innovation, and mentoring of leaders in different contexts at different career stages.
Professor Brimm was born in the United States and holds a doctorate from Harvard University. He has lived in France for the past forty-five years, with the exception of a three-year period when he served as a founding faculty at the Jerusalem Institute of Management. He has also taught at the University of Bordeaux, and, prior to leaving the United States, at Northeastern University and Harvard Business School. Before starting his academic career, he worked as a divisional general manager at Cerro Corporation. Professor Brimm consults a variety of business, culinary and governmental organisations on issues of leadership and transformation. He also serves as a ‘coach’ to a number of senior business leaders.
Michael Brimm
Mari Sandell
Professor in sensory food science at the University of Helsinki (Department of Food and nutrition) and vice dean responsible for societal interactions and innovations (Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry). Part-time professor in sensory perception at the University of Turku (Faculty of Medicine, Nutrition and Food Research Center). Leader of Senses and Food research team (Finland). Previous affiliated scientist at Monell Chemical Senses Center (USA). Received The Polak Young Investigator Award and Academy of Finland award for Social impact. Chair of the ATJ Sensory Science Division of the Finnish Society of Food Science and Technology, and the Food Culture Society in South-West of Finland. Active member of European Sensory Science Society. As a researcher very fascinated by individual differences in multisensory perception connected to eating behavior and experiences as well as sensory-based food education for children and adults.
Mari Sandell
Per Olof
Professor emeritus in marketing at Stockholm University, and previously executive director at Stockholm School of Entrepreneurship and professor in strategic management at Copenhagen Business School. Berg served as president of the Swedish Academy of Culinary Arts and Meal Sciences 2022-24 and as chairman of Stockholm Gastronomy Conference 2023. He was responsible for the research program Stockholm Program of Place Branding (STOPP), and one of the initiators of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA).
One strand of his research has focused on place branding and regional development, for example “Branding Chinese mega cities” (Berg, P.O. & Björner, E. 2014, and “City branding” (Lucarelli, A. & Berg, P. O. 2011), as well as on the sensory and affective elements in branding places through food and gastronomy (Berg PO, Sevón G 2014 ). His current research focus is on of gastronomic destination development from a strategic perspective.
Per Olof
January 31, 2025
Deadline for abstracts submission
February 14, 2025
Notification of abstracts acceptance and allocation (oral or poster)
February 25, 2025
Early Bird Registration Deadline
February 26, 2025
Standard Registration Opens
March 21, 2025
Standard Registration Deadline
March 27-29, 2025
Conference dates